先行しているプレビュー版(A taste of KitKat [Alpha])と大きく変わるところは無い様。
Dreams - version 4.4-M
How to flash: (FLASH AT YOUR OWN RISK)
For some reason a flash able .zip package gives error status 7 and I decided to upload system.img and boot.img (for now).
1. It's recommended that your Nexus is running a JB 4.3 or KK 4.4. ROM (whatever custom or stock)
2. It is really recommended to make a backup of your current ROM before flashing this ROM
3. Let's start:
Downlaod those two img files for fast boot..
4. boot to recovery and wipe data / factory reset, or what was that..
5. power off (pull the battery away if the recovery doesn't have power off option)
6. Boot into fastboot mode
7. Let's start flashing through Fastboot: Type or copy/paste these to the terminal / command prompt
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot-reboot (reboot your Nexus)
CWMを起動しfactory reset。ブートローダーで起動しコマンドプロンプトからsystem.img,boot.imgを焼いてリブート。
Paranoidチームのfull gapps。
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